Evening Light

I was still sitting in my home office (a.k.a the dining room table) working late when Jim came barreling through the front door insisting I come outside. He had poured a couple glasses of red wine and set up the Adirondack chairs on the patio facing west. With the extended warm spell, this might be our last night to enjoy a comfortable hour in the front garden gazing at the sunset. The air was still – not a whisper of a breeze – and quiet – not a single creature stirring or bird chirping. Magical! 🙂

4 Comments on “Evening Light

    • Even though we face south and are somewhat in the open, our sunsets are not usually that awe-inspiring. It’s the first sunset in months that we’ve really enjoyed right from our front yard.


  1. We did the same, sort of…
    I stood on the deck trying to get a magnificent photo of that sunset. Luckily it got even more beautiful as I fiddled around.
    I was calling to Frank in the yard below, to LOOK up from his cursing and swearing as he tried to repair an oil leak in the tractor.
    Pretty similar to your experience, right?

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